Albums Gallery

The album below captures moments from the recent meeting of the organization dedicated to supporting the Sv. Ivan Rilski Church. It showcases the attendees engaged in discussions, highlighting the collaborative efforts to plan future initiatives for the church. The photos also feature key moments, such as presentations, group conversations, and informal networking, reflecting the community’s commitment to the church’s mission. The setting of the meeting, with its warm atmosphere and dedicated participants, is a testament to the strong support and shared purpose within the organization.

The album below showcases the current state of the Sv. Ivan Rilski Church, capturing detailed images of both the interior and exterior. The photos reveal the church’s significant need for restoration, highlighting areas of deterioration such as crumbling walls, damaged roofing, and worn-out interior features. The once-majestic architecture is now marked by cracks, peeling paint, and structural weaknesses, emphasizing the urgent need for repairs. Despite its dilapidated condition, the album also captures the inherent beauty and historical significance of the church, serving as a visual call to action for its restoration to a functional and revered place of worship.

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